

Our archive contains over 2100 hours of one on one interview material in five languages. Audio originals and transcripts are housed in UCT’s Department of Manuscripts and Archives. Catalogued, databased copies are stored at the CPM.  Mini DV and video interviews are all logged and lodged within the archive. The CPM maintains a visual archive of photographs, diaries, performances and documents, which are all publicly accessible.

Our archive contains the following research collections:


  • Communities in the Western Cape
  • Identities
  • Life Histories
  • HIV Living Memories
  • Politics and War Histories
  • Performing Arts and Heritage Sites
  • Migration and Refugees
  • Social Movements and HIV
  • Street Stories
  • Trauma and Violence
  • Work and Leisure


The CPM archive preserves material using classic and digital archiving standards, which includes digitizing priority collections, migrating copies and creating access to all material in digital form. The digital archive contains logs of all material and full transcripts and translations, audio and video clips and still images where available.

We strongly encourage people to deposit their recordings with the CPM in order to develop intellectual and cultural resources for future generations.

View our catalogue